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conveyance equipment中文是什么意思

用"conveyance equipment"造句"conveyance equipment"怎么读"conveyance equipment" in a sentence


  • 运输设备


  • Analysis and preventive measures of the demage reason for mine conveyance equipment
  • In this thesis , the round link connectors wide used in the minerals conveyance equipments was studied
  • Belt conveyer , which is used mainly to transport the lumpish , granular , or loose materials and pieces of goods , is a kind of continuous conveyance equipment , so it is applied widely in the industry production
  • We also provide a wide range of services from essential shelving , material handling system configuration , warehouse planning , to material flow management etc . our major products include : light - type storage rack , medium - type storage rack , gravity rack peripheral conveyance equipment and non - standard racks
  • Jiangsu xin zhong ya racking manufacturing co . , ltd . , one of the most specialized manufacturer , who produces storage and conveyance equipment with advanced complete producing line which include roll forming , racks making and surface treating . there also are experienced technician for installation and quick after - sale service in our company
  • Nanjing feiying racking manufacturing co . , ltd . one of the specialized manufacturers producing storage and conveyance equipment , has an advanced complete producing line including roll forming , racks making and surface treating , we also have experienced technical staff for installation and quick after - sale service
用"conveyance equipment"造句  
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